Saturday 28 July 2012

Hello, Sunshine!

I have 3 passions. Or maybe more, but the three I’m aware of and I’m going to share with you. Those are art, cooking and language (in this order).

I believe they’re very close to each other: both cooking and language are (or at least can be) some kind of art. Learning foreign languages one meets a different culture and this culture includes… food!

Now, wish me persistence in fulfilling my summer resolutions, which are:
  1. Learn a French word a day.
  2. Try as many recipes as possible. 
  3. Share the good food with my friends.
Why French? I’ve never been to France and it’s high time to change this. I used to detest the sound of the language when I was a kid (sorry Frenchmen!) but it changed dramatically. I started to share the general conviction that French is just pretty. And sexy.

Why food? Because it can be awesome. It can influence your health and psychical well-being. Shared food can enhance a friendship!

Let's do it!


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