Tuesday 31 July 2012

Wine bears

This recipe requires a bit of patience but the result is a great and tasty surprise. Very social and very easy, that’s how they’re like. If you have never tried them – you should – you won’t be disappointed in them! 


Shopping list:

a pack of Haribo bears (can be any other brand)

a bottle of semi-sweet white wine

Throw the jellies into a big bowl and pour wine to cover them. Cover the bowl with a cling film and put it into a fridge. After the jellies soak up the alcohol, pour it again. Refill the bowl for the next 3 days (can be more but after some time the jelly will stop soaking up any liquid). After that time your bears should be drunk and soft enough to eat them. Use the left over wine during the next party. Have fun!

...and the French word of the day is: le temps - time.

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