Monday 30 July 2012

Drunk jelly

Funny, pretty, tasty and alcoholic – that’s why they’re a good company for a party. It may be a bit problematic to find the perfect proportion of liquids and the jelly powder but I got it after 3 trials. Here comes my discovery.

You need:

a pack of raspberry jelly
a glass of raspberries 
100 ml vodka

Wash the raspberries and place them in a bowl. After 1 hour they should ooze some juice (that’s not good if they don’t). Prepare the jelly using half of the amount of water given in the manufacturer instruction. When the liquid cools down add vodka and raspberry juice mix it and add the fruit. Pour the liquid jelly into a silicon ware (if you don’t have one just use any glass or ceramic). It’s a good idea to pour cold water over the ware you use and leave it damp so the jelly doesn’t stick to it. Put the jelly into a fridge for a couple of hours, then take the jelly off the mould, cut it into cubes or keep the mould shape and enjoy your jellies just like a drink.

The recipe also works with different kinds of fruit or alcohol. It’s great with strawberries, which aren’t so juicy so you need slightly (but really slightly) more water or vodka. You can also replace vodka with some wine. I think replacing the ingredients gives the cook lots of fun. Sometimes surprise, too.

Now, in public, I promise to learn a French word a day for the next 30 days. Yeah, one word is not much but I’m on holiday, aren’t I?

So, the French word for today is: framboise

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